I’m here surrounded by objects I could not pay
I’m here surrounded by debt, terrified of drowning
The stage is set and I’m here surrounded by fake mirror-like objects
All of the objects point at me
All of the objects crucify me
I’m no more than a pile of left alone treasures, left in the backyard
and I have none I do not have
me? I’m at the corner
of who
I am watching in despair as the play goes
Once the play is over, I will be left with nothing else
once the money is gone and the love is gone and the effort is gone
I will not be, anymore
There won’t be any more place
Because there is no such a thing to be called home
Home is nothing more than a strange couch in the middle of the nowhere that we bribed ourselves to give a name, an unknowing name, unwilling, striving, stinking name as house
Home is nothing but absence and nothing but the habit of this absence
Heim Heimat Unheimlich Anti-Heimat
und Nichts Nichts Nichts
Nichts haben wir
Nichts können wir
Nichts sind wir
Nichts ist da und da nennen wir Heim.
Da war nicht angefangen, als wir da waren. Es gibt kein mehr da, sondern diese Abwesenheit, die wir da nennen.